“I wanted to teach these kids that you don’t have to let your mistakes weigh you down …”
At first, Darcell was reluctant about spending time in Lad Lake’s Residential Treatment program. But when he found out he was one of the oldest residents on campus, he realized the importance of turning his life around and becoming a role model for others at Lad Lake.
“Seeing the younger kids and the problems they were dealing with helped me better understand what I needed to change in myself,” says Darcell. “I wanted to teach these kids that you don’t have to let your mistakes weigh you down … to send the message that you can make it in life; you can be somebody. It’s what Lad Lake taught me, and I wanted to teach it to somebody else.”
Darcell lived up to his word and is now working toward a career as a surgical technician. “The thought of being able to help others is so incredible to me. If I’m able to reach out to just one person, then my time at Lad Lake was worth it.”
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